Get the support and resources you need to feel confident.
Life as an occupational therapist in any setting is no joke. Between face-to-face time with patients, documentation, planning, and family education there is barely time to take a potty break. So what if you had a curated list of done for you interventions at your fingertips for a variety of conditions and abilities?
OT Resource Room Membership
Coming Soon!
A curated vault of interventions and activities for adult caseloads (why are all the blogs about peds???). Includes video library of exercises!
Follow me on YouTube and Insta for FREE Resources
My social media shorts and long-form videos provide amazing free resources every week.
Schedule a private consultation to see if mentorship is a good fit for your needs.
Dementia Caregiver Education
and Consulting
Caregiver Course
Over 2 hours of self-paced online information covering strategies that will transform your caregiving experience.
CARES Course
Half-day live course covering the CARES framework for organizations and professional caregivers.
Schedule a private consultation to find solutions to your individual needs (limited availability).